The Sober November Campaign

If you drink alcohol and want to do so in the future, Sober November is for you.

It’s an opportunity to learn about yourself, your cravings, your relationship with drinking, and your relationship with others.

Here are some of my appearances regarding the subject:

I was interviewed by Pénzcentrum to talk about Sober November, where it came from and where its going. TL;DR every year we create the biggest campaign yet, to promote self-care, conscious alcohol consumption and a collective understanding that asking for help is a form of strength.

An interview with me on a local TV channel discussing Sober November 2023.

I appeared on Tales from Maya in November 2023.

I talked to Hír TV about the benefits of doing Sober November ina. community.

Learn more about the Sober November campaign and your possible place in it at

Check out the organizing Blue Point Foundation here:

If you want to donate to Kék Pont Alapítvány, please do so at